Hello, my name is Jonathan.

I want to be a front end developer!

A little about me..

Name: Jonathan Beuzelin

I started coding as a hobby and down the rabbit hole. Working on it and doing it in my spare time along side my sales job I realised I'd love to do it full-time, so I began doing projects and improving my coding skills quietly and curiously improving in the limited time I have day to day. my other hobbies include gaming, watching football and anime.

Picture of me

My Skills

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • SASS
  • JavaScript
  • JQuery
  • BootStrap
  • React
  • Git
  • NPM

My projects

Call Centre interface.

A call centre interface using HTML, CSS and JavaScript randomising the data for the information displayed.


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Contact Me

Feel free to send me a message whether it is feedback or if you have any questions.